Monday, March 29, 2010

Trip to the "Poor City"

I was feeling the after effects of numerous Jack and limes yesterday morning when I received an SMS from the lesbians. they had extended an invitation to accompany them to Mzoli's. welcoming any distraction from my throbbing head I accepted without considering the logistical issues which could arise. i spent 2 hours cleaning the kitchen as it looked like a bomb had hit it and then had 15 minutes to shower, pick something appropriate to wear and blow dry my fringe. these severe time constraints threw me right off and by the time the bell rang I was in quite a state. the girls are aware of "tiara time" (which is similar to African time plus 15 minutes) and waited patiently downstairs. unfortunately they had a german with them who was not quite as understanding and was designated dave for this outting. by the time we got going this girl was on a mission and sped off leaving Baby Possum in her dust. Possum has not seen the inside of the Citroen service centre in a while and her gear box is a tad dodgy but I tried my best to keep up. while driving through I'm not sure where my phone rang and Puff was informed that the house he was meant to move into the following day was no longer available. fuck. his left eye turned dark and that is never good. i actually felt sorry for the person on the other end of the phone. while trying to drive like a capable individual, calm Puff down and follow the speeding german it suddenly became apparent we were lost. lost in the "poor city". suddenly every face looked evil, i started hyperventilating and completely lost the ability to navigate, turn or indicate.
as usual Puff saved us and we eventually found our way to our destination.

And it was totally worth the stress. the food was AMAZING. Mzoli's braai sauce recipe is a closely guarded secret and it's clear why. the people were friendly, the atmosphere was awesome. we met some really interesting characters. Gang of Instrumentals performed. i saw a table of guys playing dice and singing make da circle beeega. Do it y'all!We left with full bellies and warm hearts.

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