Monday, July 5, 2010

Think bike. I think NOT.

The title of this post is of course referring to those yellow stickers that certain do-gooders put on their cars. It puzzled me for ages as to what they meant until someone informed me that it is part of a campaign to make people aware of cyclists' safety. Excuse me but am I wrong in thinking that it is cyclists who are a danger to themselves and everyone else on the road? They are in fact the greatest threat to personal safety here in Heidi-land. At least you can hear a truck or tram coming but bikers come whizzing down upon you without warning; silent but deadly. Some of them have little bells they ring but as I haven't heard one since the age of 6 I thought it was somebody's ringtone and was very nearly mowed down by a middle-aged woman with a baby trailor. I am still adjusting to all traffic being on the other side of the road and constantly have to remind myself to look left then right. This repeated mantra also made me realise that as a child my dear mother taught me the exact same rule...except it does not apply in South Africa. With our local taxi drivers it is a miracle I made it to 26.
Puff has been trying to persuade me for the past month to give cycling a try...Katy Perry looks cute on a bike but I am still not convinced. Then again, when in Rome...
If I can have a cute one like hers maybe I will. That's a fair compromise no?

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