Sunday, July 11, 2010


Woke up yesterday feeling the effects of the previous night's party (we had a braai which they call a "grill 'n chill" here)and found one of Puff's friends asleep on the couch. He duly woke up too and groaned about his sore head so I fetched him some Alka Seltzer (like disprin) and offered him a beer which he refused, "Nei!" (which sounds just like the not so polite Afrikaans word for doing the nasty) so I drank it instead. Once we had cleaned up we headed to a lake for a swim. You had to pay to go in and Puff showed his Jewish roots by trying to pay 5 Francs for both of us whilst the going rate is 4 Francs each. I was mortified! Everyone in the queue looked at us like we were the cheapest people alive. Gawd. Once we had gotten over that we found a lovely spot on the grass under some trees. We cracked open the cooler box and Puff's female friend and I helped ourselves to some Sangria. We went for a swim which was amazing, the lake water is so warm (hoping that is not due to people relieving themselves in it so was careful to not get any in my mouth)and there were little floating jetties you could suntan on and dive off. After a while I headed back to our spot and became aware of the group behind us (this is going to sound really mean but I am just observing and have mentioned it in an earlier post)...they were mentally challenged people and a whole lot of them. They are everywhere in Switzerland! I don't know if it's where all the other countries send them, that they are just allowed to engage in normal everyday life unlike SA where we stick them in homes or what but it's puzzling indeed. They didn't bother us at all though unlike a disgusting creature to our left who was asleep and had a large erection, euw. Puff and his friend were kind enough to point this out to me, quite why they were looking I don't know but it was disturbing. And as if that wasn't bad enough he then did a very loud fart. OMG! Added to this all old men here wear Speedos aka banana hammocks - do these people know nothing about style?! My stepfwaza owns one but quite rightfully only wears it in the privacy of his own garden. Maybe I should write to the government about it? Actually I'd probably get the same response as I did from a security guard at the public viewing area when I pointed out that Vuvuzela was spelt wrong. Her response? A shrug and "I didn't write it." So I took a pink pen out of my bag and corrected it, how patriotic! Anyway, back to the lake. I was becoming increasingly anxious about the retards, fart guy and seeing old men's genitalia so I tried to block it out with sangria which I managed quite successfully. The stuff is dangerous! I checked the bottle and it said it was only 7%. Lies I tell you! It tastes like juice and you just feel mellow but then all of a sudden you are legless. Luckily Puff can see the signs before I'm about to have a complete episode and convinced his friends that we leave. It was beautiful and I would definately go again but will pick a spot more carefully next time and take REALLY dark sunglasses.

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