Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday

Happy Easter y'all! we kicked off the holy celebrations by making our way to Rhodes Memorial. with coffee on the go and hot cross buns courtesy of Engen (had an interesting chat with check out girl but let's not get distracted)we beetled up the hill towards what we imagined to be a peaceful sunrise and were met by a million cars queuing to get in. "what the fuck is going on here baybee?!" i asked as paranoia set in. Puff just shrugged nonchalantly. after numerous attempts to navigate towards the parking area we gave up and i pulled a pro parallel. as the christians eyed us up as though we were the spawn of satan we strolled towards the light. Puff asked a believer what was up and we were informed that we had wandered right into "the sunrise service". crises. i wanted to make a run for it but Puff got that look in his eye and insisted we stay. i complied reluctantly. we found a quiet corner and observed. i noticed a pug in a tiger print thing that i wanted to steal. Puff was preoccupied with a boy on tick who was being dangled over the edge of the wall by his equally high friend. the christians carried on obliviously intoxicated by "the spirit". sorry now i'm being a bitch. there was some reasonable people about but we have had quite a dramatic weekend so i'm ranting. anyway tick boy was freaking me out so we climbed the steps. puff carried my bag and minced his way past huddles of devotees. i follwed wrapped in a blankie with wayfarers to shield my red wine eyes from the light. we headed for the safety of table mountain and found a perfect rock from which to gaze upon the city. deep breaths. we are now at home and as i write this puff is constructing a mobile from treasures we found along the way. later we shall head to matjie's for lunch and a good deal of wine. obviously.

"Just say no to nonsense." thanks wiesl.x

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